2.16.3. Some abilities reference cards by a lack of subtype, such as “non-virus”. These abilities
can only affect cards that do not have the specified subtype, regardless of any other
subtypes the cards do have.
2.16.4. A card has all of its subtypes at all times, even while inactive, with the exception of
facedown installed Runner cards. See section 8.1.4.
2.16.5. Abilities can add or remove subtypes. The number of times a card has, gains, and loses
each subtype is tracked as a running total, but the result is binary: if the total number of
instances of the subtype exceeds the number of times it is removed, the card has that
subtype. Otherwise, it does not.
Example: The Runner plays Tinkering on a Lycan hosting 1 advancement counter. Lycan has
two instances of sentry, one printed and one from Tinkering, and has lost one instance of sentry
from its own ability. Thus it is still a sentry.
2.16.6. If an effect requires a player to choose a subtype, that player must choose a single
subtype that has been printed on at least one card. If a player is required to choose a
subtype belonging to a specific card type, they must choose a subtype that has been
printed on at least one card with that type.
2.16.7. Below is a list of all subtypes.
a. The identity subtypes are Bioroid, Clone, Corp, Cyborg, Digital, Division, G-mod,
Megacorp, Natural, Police Department, Stealth, and Subsidiary.
b. The agenda subtypes are Ambush, Expansion, Initiative, NEXT, Psi, Public,
Research, Security, Sensie, and Source.
c. The asset subtypes are Academic, Advertisement, Alliance, Ambush, Beanstalk,
Bioroid, Cast, Character, Clone, Corporation, Executive, Facility, Government,
Hostile, Illicit, Industrial, Political, Psi, Region, Research, Ritzy, Seedy, and
d. The ice subtypes are AP, Advertisement, Ambush, Barrier, Bioroid, Code Gate,
Deflector, Destroyer, Grail, Harmonic, Illicit, Morph, Mythic, NEXT, Observer, Psi,
Sentry, Tracer, and Trap.
e. The operation subtypes are Alliance, Black Ops, Condition, Current, Double, Gray
Ops, Illicit, Lockdown, Psi, Reprisal, Terminal, Transaction, and Triple.
f. The upgrade subtypes are Advertisement, Alliance, Ambush, Beanstalk, Bioroid,
Character, Clone, Enforcer, Executive, Facility, Hostile, Off-site, Orgcrime, Psi,
Region, Ritzy, Seedy, Security Protocol, Sysop, and Unorthodox.
g. The event subtypes are Condition, Current, Double, Job, Mod, Orgcrime, Priority,
Run, Sabotage, Stealth, and Terminal.
h. The hardware subtypes are Chip, Companion, Console, Consumer-grade,
Cybernetic, Gear, Link, Mod, Stealth, Vehicle, and Weapon.