subtype belonging to a specific card type, they must choose a subtype that has been
printed on at least one card with that type.
2.16.7. Below is a list of all subtypes.
a. The identity subtypes are Bioroid, Clone, Corp, Corporation, Cyborg, Digital,
Division, G-mod, Megacorp, Natural, Police Department, Stealth, and Subsidiary.
b. The agenda subtypes are Ambush, Expansion, Initiative, NEXT, Psi, Public,
Research, Security, Sensie, and Source.
c. The asset subtypes are Advertisement, Alliance, Ambush, Beanstalk, Bioroid, Cast,
Character, Clone, Corporation, Executive, Facility, Government, Hostile, Illicit,
Industrial, Political, Psi, Region, Research, Ritzy, Seedy, and Transaction.
d. The ice subtypes are AP, Advertisement, Ambush, Barrier, Bioroid, Code Gate,
Deflector, Destroyer, Grail, Harmonic, Illicit, Morph, Mythic, NEXT, Observer, Psi,
Sentry, Tracer, and Trap.
e. The operation subtypes are Alliance, Black Ops, Condition, Current, Double, Gray
Ops, Illicit, Lockdown, Psi, Reprisal, Terminal, Transaction, and Triple.
f. The upgrade subtypes are Advertisement, Alliance, Ambush, Beanstalk, Bioroid,
Character, Clone, Enforcer, Executive, Facility, Hostile, Off-site, Orgcrime, Psi,
Region, Ritzy, Seedy, Security Protocol, Sysop, and Unorthodox.
g. The event subtypes are Condition, Current, Double, Job, Mod, Orgcrime, Priority,
Run, Sabotage, Stealth, and Terminal.
h. The hardware subtypes are Bomb, Chip, Companion, Console, Consumer-grade,
Cybernetic, Gear, Link, Mod, Stealth, Vehicle, and Weapon.
i. The program subtypes are AI, Caïssa, Cloud, Daemon, Decoder, Deva, Fracter,
Icebreaker, Killer, Stealth, Virus, and Weapon.
j. The resource subtypes are Clan, Companion, Connection, Directive, Genetics,
Government, Job, Link, Location, Remote, Ritzy, Sabotage, Seedy, Source, Stealth,
and Virtual.
2.17. Text Box
2.17.1. The TEXT BOX is the central area on a card containing any abilities the card has. Abilities
usually only apply when the card they appear on is active. Rule 9.1.8 details exceptions.
2.17.2. Many cards have italicised text written after their game text. This is FLAVOR TEXT, and
has no effect on the game or the function of the card, nor can other abilities reference or
interact with it.